- Strategic Planning
- Market Analysis
- Business Plan Development
- Budget preparation
- Develop/review financial proformas
Executive has an agency agreement with the leading
Demand Side Management organizations in the Country.
Our mission is to help institutions and business improve
their facilities through using less energy, paying
less for that energy, and ensuring reliable, high-quality
power for critical operations.
EES is a single-source consultant, offering a full
range of Management Services:
- Energy Survey to determine current conditions
and future opportunities
- Lighting and Controls
- Boiler and air conditioning equipment
- Steam, water and air distribution systems
- Heating and cooling controls
- Condition of building envelope
- Electric equipment load evaluation - computers,
vending machines, water coolers and kitchen
Executive provides these consulting services and
engineered solutions to
Government, education, healthcare and other institutions
The information that Executive requires to perform
an initial evaluation and potentially increase a company’s
savings or profits is the following:
A copy of customers electric and gas utility bills
covering at least the most recent 12 months.
Manufacturer's data on any back-up or standby generation
- fuel type, electrical output rating, control system
Operating characteristics of facility – current
use, Operating ours, generator, operating limits including
noise restrictions, fuel storage limits, environmental
restrictions, maximum operating hours for each day
and how much load the generator typically carries
in emergency operation or standby generation mode
or how much peak is reduced if used in peak shaving.
If you are interested in having Executive perform
an initial evaluation of the potential for optimizing
savings opportunities, click
here to send us a note.